I bet you checked the dictionary for the meaning of the word crenovation, sorry to burst your bubble you won’t find it in the English dictionary however, it can be found in my dictionary and as an entrepreneur, the word should be found in yours too.
Crenovation simply means Creativity + Innovation. Creativity is the capability or act of ‘conceiving’ something original or unusual while Innovation is the ‘implementation’ of something new.
Do these words mean the same to you? Do you think they can be used interchangeably?
Some people believe innovation has to do with coming up with a new product which may not necessarily be, but rather it could be a new process. Creativity involves conception of ideas while, innovation refers to the application of the conceived ideas. Therefore, it can be said that: creativity goes pari passu with innovation and there is no innovation without creativity. Both words are inter-related and are targeted at solving particular problems.
While creativity is the ability to produce new and unique ideas, innovation is the implementation of that creativity – that’s the introduction of a new idea, solution, process, or product. Creativity is the driving force behind innovation and the incorporation of looking at things from a different perspective and freedom of restrictions by rules and written or unwritten norms.
Considering the above definition and explanation on these two concepts, it is clearly evident that creativity precedes innovation i.e. for innovation to take place, a new, original or unusual idea must have been conceived in the mind which is termed creativity. Putting this conceived idea into use to solve a problem is the process of innovation.
Having established the relationship between both concepts, it is important to further mention the strong bond between them and the success of any business, as there is practically nothing that is ‘new’ in today’s world of business, you can only improve or go a different dimension in yours to make it remain relevant. This is where the need for crenovation arises.